Croxsons announces formal commitment to charitable giving through 10% pledge

Company News In The Spotlight

Leading glass packaging firm, Croxsons, has placed an emphasis on its rich heritage of charitable giving, by joining Giving What We Can’s 10% Pledge and committing at least 10% of its net profits to effective charities.

The move formalises Croxsons support for both local and global causes, which it has maintained for over three decades and across two generations. It also reinforces the company’s core purpose of making a difference.

Giving What We Can is a global community that encourages businesses to pledge at least 10% of their profits to charities.

Founded in 2009, it helps people and companies make impactful donations by combining evidence and reason to address major global challenges like poverty, education and climate change.

Tim Croxson, Croxsons’ CEO, said: “As a team, we have shown our commitment to charitable giving every year by supporting great causes close to our hearts. By signing the 10% Pledge, we affirm this generational commitment, reinforcing our values to make a difference wherever we can.”

Croxsons’ primary goal has always been to make a positive impact, whether it’s through the services they provide to their customers, supporting the success and well-being of their team, or contributing to local communities.

This commitment has reinforced Croxsons’ dedication to impactful, sustainable change, addressing challenges such as poverty eradication, social justice, education and more.

“Our support for the 10% Pledge demonstrates the importance we place on how we conduct business, not just the results,” added Tim. “We hope this will inspire others to join us in making a difference, for the benefit of our customers, our team and the broader community.”

For more information on Croxsons, visit here.